The mission of the Institute for Generative Strategy essentially consists in intersecting the development of strategic thinking and the potential offered by the evolution of LLMs and Generative Artificial Intelligence.
The development of strategic thinking, and of the culture that underlies it, is in itself a cultural and social issue that is as important as it is underestimated, and often ignored, both in training fields and in the concrete management of interactions, at all levels.
It is the Institute's belief that the measure of aggression in conflicts, in every area of human action, and the tendency towards exasperation and even violence, in the unfolding of conflict situations, is inversely proportional to the measure of the strategic culture of the contenders .
From this consideration derives the importance that the Institute recognizes in the sedimentation and dissemination of strategic culture in all contexts of interaction and in all sectors of human activity.
But to this end it is necessary, first of all, to define the concept of strategy from an ontological and historical-philosophical perspective.
Strategy is a planning activity, in constant osmotic relationship with its concrete implementation, i.e. tactics. This project activity consists in planning the actions to be undertaken, starting from the analysis of the context and all the actors and elements that compose and influence it, towards the objective that is intended to be achieved.
The strategic planning activity unfolds in these steps:
Many decision support systems, mainly based on the use of digital technologies, are available to facilitate the phases of context analysis, evaluation and allocation of resources, management of time scanning and progressive evaluation of the results obtained.
The plan development phase is instead delegated to the planner's intuition and experience, and often proves to be the weak point of strategic planning.
The Institute's mission focuses on this particular phase, which through specific studies and research has developed an application model, called 6C Model, aimed at helping the strategist to identify the most appropriate methods of action in relation to the context and the objective. .
In order to be correctly interpreted and therefore concretely usable as a decision support, the 6C Model requires the functionality and potential of generative Artificial Intelligence, of which it constitutes a significant example of application integrated with external resources.
The Institute's mission therefore takes shape in disseminating the results of constant research into improving the integration between Artificial Intelligence and strategic science, and in supporting all actions aimed at the penetration of strategic culture in all contexts in which it is the application of the principles of the strategy proves necessary.